DVC works to ease the transfer process
Transfer day at DVC Oct. 28, 2014 in the library quad features around 60 plus schools in and out of state as well as private giving DVC students the oppportunity to shop around and gather information.
November 2, 2014
On Tuesday, Oct. 28 Diablo Valley College’s Transfer Day kicked off an entire month of transfer-focused activities.
“It’s one of the largest Transfer Days we’ve had in terms of representation from colleges, and I think our students were well-represented here,” transfer services coordinator Cheryll Lemay said.
Lemay estimated that between 70-75 colleges were present at this Transfer Day.
The University of California Berkeley handed out all 500 of their fliers at the event.
A poll taken in fall of 2010 showed that 663 students successfully transferred from DVC to a UC and 782 students successfully transferred from DVC to a Cal State institution.
But Transfer Day was only the beginning.
Lemay said that because most students are using November to finish applications for the Nov. 30 deadline, it would make sense to organize some activities around the month of November.
Throughout the month, transfer-related workshops will be held to help students plan and prepare to take the next step in their education.
“Most of the workshops are almost full, so there’s been a great response,” Lemay said.
Due to limited space, reservations must be made for some workshops. Reservations can be made in the transfer center, where there is additional transfer assistance available.
“The hours are a little strange but there is almost always someone in there,” counselor Rob Peters said.
Student Katie Malone, 18, had applied to colleges during high school, so she already knew what it was like to apply.
When asked if she had any advice on applying she said, “Know every college is very different … UCs and CSUs are not as strict on what they want besides GPA, but private universities want essays, personal statements, and letters of recommendations, it gets very overwhelming.”
Lemay shared insight as to why students may be overwhelmed:
“I think part of the stress comes from the uncertainty about the process: ‘I don’t know how it works, so I’m afraid of it,'” she said. “And once you start understanding the basics, then it becomes a little less stressful.”
Lemay also offered some helpful advice for students who are planning on transferring in the next year or two.
“Meet with a counselor, and start thinking about what you need to do,” she said. “It doesn’t matter if you don’t know your major yet, or where you want to transfer to because the fundamentals of transferring are the same.”
DVC has left no reason to be frustrated with the transfer process; take advantage of on-campus resources and getting into your dream school may become a reality.
“That planning in advance gets you where you want to be, when you want to be there,” Lemay said.