I’d give this preview 2 out of 5 stars

Jesse Sutterley

Students will soon be able to rate one another on a one to five star scale through the Peeple app

Jesse Sutterley, News Editor

Imagine going on a disappointing date. You want to tell people to watch out for the cheap skate that tried to make you pay for everything because they “forgot their wallet.” Well, this November that could be a possibility.

Peeple, a new app for IOS systems, allows you to rate your friends, family, coworkers, associates or even that kid who sits in class two desks over from you on a scale from 1 to 5 stars. That’s right folks; privacy is dead and every comment you make can now be attached to a review of you.

So what are the requirements for reviewing someone? First you must know the person either romantically, professionally, or personally. Next you must be over the age of 21, avoiding any under-aged bullying. Finally you must have a Facebook account and use your real name when commenting on others.

However, Peeple has had to change it’s policies in the past few week after outrage from media outlets. The app is still in beta testing, but up until Sunday, Oct. 4 there was no opt out policy. Only after incredible backlash from the internet did the apps creator, Julia Cordray, create the opt in only policy. Other features such as allowing users to reject any comment good or bad and the ability to deactivate your account were also added to curb the back lash.

In the past week the apps main website has been neutered and its Facebook and Twitter pages have been deactivated although the app is still set to launch into beta testing Oct. 12.

After we look past the loss of privacy, biased reviews and hateful comments, what’s truly scary about this is the effect it may have on people’s emotional and mental well being. Is it really healthy to assign a number value to a human being? Everyday all of us pass judgment on someone else, be it your classmate, lover, teacher or random stranger, but these judgments only run through our head, unless we are near a friend. Now these judgments will be seen by the world and the negative effects could greatly out way the fact that someone from your work thinks you’re a “really swell person.”

What happens when you try to go out on a date but instead of getting to know them when you meet, you already looked at their Peeple profile and found out what others think? Could you really tell your girlfriends he’s a great guy even though his Peeple rating is only 2.4 stars? Is this the downfall of real human connection? Why risk getting to know someone when you could just wait for the reviews?