‘Marvel’s Defenders’ is worth a watch
Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), Iron Fist (Finn Jones), Daredevil (Charlie Cox), and Luke Cage (Mike Colter) as Marvel’s Defenders, available now on Netflix.
August 28, 2017
“Marvel’s Defenders” is the latest installment of Netflix’s Marvel universe, which is based in the same comic universe as its cinematic counter part. So far Netflix has produced two seasons of “Daredevil,” one season of “Jessica Jones,” one season of “Luke Cage” and one season of “Iron Fist.”
Starring Charlie Cox as the “man without fear” Daredevil, Krysten Ritter as the alcoholic antihero Jessica Jones, Mike Colter as the tough as nails Luke Cage, and Finn Jones as the “immortal” Iron Fist, “Marvel’s Defenders” starts off on a slow note.
Like most Marvel stories, the show is based in various parts of New York City. At the beginning of the season, Matt Murdock has retired his role as Daredevil after losing a loved one while fighting injustice in the streets of Hell’s Kitchen.
Jessica Jones is doing what she can to avoid her own heroism and is not accepting any work at her private investigation business.
Luke Cage is released from prison with the goal of protecting Harlem from crime and suffering.
Iron Fist is trying to figure out where the Hand (an evil organization of ninjas who cheat death) is located so that he can fulfill his destiny by defeating them once and for all.
The issue with the first episode was that the characters were not being particularly interesting, which can be an issue in a serial of any sort.
However, by the third episode, when the stakes are laid bare for the audience and tensions begin to rise, the show kicks into full force.
An interesting facet of the cinematography was that each of the four main heroes each had their respective “Netflix series” camera style during the introduction along with the familiar music for those who watched each series.
The music of the series really helps bring about the full range of emotions in all characters, especially Daredevil, which could be contributed to the fact that the composer John Paesano composed both seasons of “Daredevil” prior to this show.
One particular scene which stood out was when Matt Murdock (Daredevil’s civilian identity and a blind lawyer from Hell’s Kitchen) subtly plunked the Defenders theme song on the piano.
Charlie Cox was the strongest presence in the season. While Iron Fist (Finn Jones) was focused on as the central hero in the fight against the Hand, the plot relies heavily on certain aspects of Daredevil’s past.
Sigourney Weaver was a very different villain than what has been shown in the previous Netflix Marvel series. While she was definitely cultured like Wilson Fisk and Madam Gao, she had a certain vulnerability that helped sell her desperation.
The season is definitely worth a watch. I found it to be better than “Iron Fist,” and it helps flesh out a rushed performance from Finn Jones.