(Mike Darr)
Three kindergarten classes at Woodside Elementary School came face to face Sept. 26 with 10 members of the DVC football team, who volunteered for a day of reading, football drills and fun.
The day began with introductions and a set of drills reminiscent of what the team practices daily. After running into football pads, the group went inside for stories.
Head coach Mike Darr said the event reflected his long-held belief that the athletes cannot just excel on the field.
“For someone to be truly great, you’re trying to be great all the time, as a student, as a son, as a brother and as a role model,” he said.
Darr said he was impressed with the childrens’ response to his players. They looked up to them and really listened, he said.
And Darr was struck by his athletes and “how much they took on the role of being a positive role model and saying the right things.”
Team member Kyle Havens said the children seemed to appreciate the visit.
“It makes you realize the effect you can have on people,” Havens said. “And if you use it in a positive way, it can really help kids out”.
The trip marked the third concurrent semester in which football players have visited elementary schools for reading activities. Last spring they went to Strandwood Elementary.
Darr says he intends to continue sending players to read to elementary students every semester, if it can be worked into their schedules.
Although half of the team wanted to go to the Woodside event, he had to limit it to 10 sophomore players, he said.