OK, quick thought experiment. What if you could say anything you wanted without repercussions? Would you take the opportunity to state something controversial, perhaps even once taboo, to get people to think critically and thereby spark debate? Or would you say something inappropriate, no matter how immature,crude, spiteful or racist? Unfortunately, many people take the latter route on Internet sites where they can post anonymously and dodge responsibility for what they say. This is especially true on the video hosting giant, YouTube. Although it has an enormous archive of original user-posted videos that range from the amateur to the professional, YouTube is also home to some of the most immature and moronic comments on the Internet. For instance, search “Bruce Lee,” and you’ll find billions of clips from his films and martial artistry. In the comment boxes, you’ll find comments that generally follow this pattern: “Gene Lebell would beat Bruce Lee.” “Nuh uh, Bruce Lee is the Bestest” “Yah huh, Gene Lebell is the strongest and can beat anyone in like 3 seconds” The exchange inevitably leads to insults about each other’s intelligence or race or religion. Such comments are thrown out randomly without regard for the audience and seemingly without purpose, other than hurl insults on a wide spectrum. Yes, these exchanges can occur in face-to-face conversations. But the major difference is anonymity on a worldwide platform, with no personal accountability for what is said. In an apparent attempt to combat senseless comments, YouTube has added an option where you can click a button and have your words read back. Also, the site now has a positive and negative system that has allows for comments to be deleted once enough negative ratings have been applied. The bottom line: Refrain from moronic and hateful statements on the Internet. Instead, post opinions that include reasons for your position or raise questions or provoke thoughtful or even heated discussion. Posted comments should advance the conversation – not end it.