April 30, 2009
DVC Faculty Offices
A staff reported that two mailboxes in the faculty offices had been vandalized
DVC Science Hill parking area
An employee was struck by vehicle while he was attempting to advise the driver that he wasn’t in a legal parking space.
DVC Quad
A student reported that his bicycle was stolen while it was locked on a tree near the side of the bookstore.
DVC Bookstore
Contact was made with a subject that was attempting to sell back stolen books to the bookstore.
DVC IFO Bookstore
Contact was made with a subject that was 626’d from the campus two days prior and told not to return to campus. Subject was cited for trespassing and advised not to return to campus.
May 1, 2009
Contact was made with a student that entered the bookstore, concealed a book in his backpack with the intent of stealing it.