I don’t think it’s fair that some part-time and student employees of DVC should have to pay for parking during their work shifts.
The mentality of, well they’re a student also, so why should they get a staff permit, is alarming. It serves to separate drastically the students from the staff and also establishes a barrier that makes it seem you have to be “all-or-nothing” if you want to be part of the staff.
Well, for some staff, this is their second or third job. Should they get a fourth to pay for their parking?
And for some students, this is not their primary school either. You buy multiple parking permits and then you have to pay to get paid at work.
I can perfectly understand not wanting to abuse staff parking privileges when roles are shifted to that of student, but if you work four days for the school, pay for parking and take advantage of its educational services for only one; then it becomes the employee who is abused.
Christopher C. Long, DVC Student