Occupy movement is flawed in tactics


Pablo Caballero and Pablo Caballero

Occupy Oakland is a protest movement involving big business corporations meddling in the affairs of the middle and working class.

On Saturday, I asked a friend how Occupy was affecting his life. He told me that Occupy doesn’t affect him – not at all. Because his family, which rests within the top one percent of America financially, is not affected by the people who are out setting fire to buildings, spray-painting banks and making it very clear that they are unhappy with their economic situations.

There are some families which, due to their prior financial status and the businesses they are involved in, aren’t affected whether the economy is in recession or not.

Billionaires are the demographic that run our country and like it or not, it’s going to take more than ruining the cities we live in to get the message to them. They’re the ones who can change it, but instead of making our best efforts to reach out to them, we’re doing a much better job of complicating each others’ lives.

The chance of the wealthiest families in America losing their fortunes is zero, but each and every employee is affected by the Occupy movement, whether they’ve showed up to Wall Street or not.

My friend’s family owns and operates a defense industry that produces weapons and equipment for the United States Military – these are the kind of people we need to be dealing with and yet we take to the streets.

Additionally, most affluent families and business owners reside in wealthy enclaves of suburbia, not within inner-city Oakland. The people that can make the change have to be there to see the upset; seeing it on the TV just doesn’t have the same impact.

The family I have relation to resides in Alamo – Occupy doesn’t affect them; he says it’s a “lower class issue.”

If actions taken to carry forth the protest actually touched the top one percent (maybe by lessening the fatness of a CEO’s wallet) we’d see some change.

However, there is a flipside: if the top one percent has a staggering financial crisis, everyone suffers – there’s a fine line.

If the 99% that aren’t billionaires are disturbed enough with the goings-on of our country to be protesting on the streets every day, they must realize that because the economic turmoil doesn’t affect the top percent, they need to find more creative ways to reach them.