DVC faculty and community leaders discuss election and issues
Professors Amer Araim and Mickey Huff discuss the current election to interested students on October 26, 2016.
November 1, 2016
Professors of Diablo Valley College, alongside leaders of various community groups, came together to inform students about election issues, both local and national.
Students in some of the presenters’ classes came to gain more information in their political science studies.
Only six percent of Americans see the media today as a positive influence on the election, and 69 percent of people report being stressed from what they hear on the news.
The moderator was a DVC professor, Dr. Amer Araim, along with several of his colleagues.
“This is a unique occasion to determine the future of our country,” Araim said on the election. “We are meeting in the process to learn about it, so we must keep our opinions civilized today.”
Mickey Huff of Project Censored reported that one in five Americans have no confidence in the way the election is being handled.
“There are key issues that should be presented to the public but the media is focusing on trivial things,” said Huff.
Project Censored also works to bring attention to news stories that would not normally be seen by the mainstream media.
“You’re likely going to have trouble gaining traction in your interests if you don’t support a freedom of press,” Huff said.
Dr. Jeremy Cloward spoke positively of Senator Bernie Sanders and claimed that he “was a good part of election news.”
“Our country hasn’t seen someone like that since Eugene V. Debs,” Cloward said.
He also spoke about free education and the funds necessary for it, an over-funded military and the fact that the United States is a first-world country without universal healthcare, all problems that need to be addressed by the candidates.
“They say that the poor fight the wars, and I definitely think that’s true,” said Cloward.
Students from DVC clubs also spoke to inform students about their organizations and their interest in helping the community.
Representatives from clubs such as the DVC Model UN and the DVC Muslim Student association talked to their peers about what their clubs accomplish and how they inform members and others about the issues in the election.
Ballot issues were discussed by Gwen Watson, co-chair of the Social Justice Alliance.
“Make sure to cast your vote on Tuesday, November 8th and I wish you the best of luck in making your choices,” Watson concluded.