ASDVC food bank ad hoc committee looking for members
Karen Suryajaya and Asami Higuchi of the ASDVC food pantry ad hoc committee gathering signatures at the Spring Festival Apr. 19, 2017.
April 19, 2017
ASDVC has developed an ad hoc committee to bring a food pantry to Diablo Valley College, in order to service ‘food insecure’ students. That committee is looking for non-ASDVC members to come to its meetings Mondays from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Student Union.
A food pantry on campus has been an idea floating around since an ASDVC meeting that took place in October. The Ad Hoc committee is the first concrete step in the creation of the food bank.
To gauge support from DVC students, Karren Suryajaya and Asami Higuchi surveyed and petitioned at the Spring Festival on April 19, garnering over 100 signatures in their first day.
Just before Spring break, the members of the DVC English department met with Los Medanos English instructor Scott Warfe who secured $10 thousand dollars in grants from TOMS shoes for LMC’s food pantry that opened this year in February, according to LMC’s Experience, their student newspaper.