DVC’s Music Department holds its first advanced piano series
Pianist Karen Snow beginning impromptu No. 3 on Feb. 22, 2018.
February 25, 2018
Diablo Valley College hosts an advanced piano series comprising of a diverse array student pianists.
On Feb. 22 the first section of piano series took place in the Music Building.
The recital was hosted by Professor Bruce Cook. Cook has been DVC’s Director of Piano and World Music for the last two decades.
It had five students, playing five different impromptus; taking turns in orderly fashion. The front stage had two large grand pianos in the middle of it, where the students would play.
DVC student Yumi Kosaka, who played Mazurka in A minor Op. 10, No. 4 by Frederic Chopin.
The four other students, Ronni Jackl, Mark McMillan, Karen Snow and Gywn Buamberger played four impromptus by Franz Schubert.
Jackl and Snow gave the audience detailed description of Schubert’s life and musical process.
They also commented on how Schubert did not want any of his new music to be published, but shortly after his death it was.
All five student have spent a long time reciting Schubert’s work.
“I been working a little under a month for my piece,” said McMillan who played Schubert’s impromptu No. 2.
“A lot of the pieces you heard today are not really so esoteric that no one knows… People are like ‘oh I have heard that before,’” said Jackl who played Schubert’s first impromptu in C minor.
“We were talking earlier on how inspirational it is to see musicians who have devoted hours and years and years to a love for music and how inspiring it is because we are in such a fractured communicative space at this point in history. The idea of being passionate about a single thing and caring that through…It’s like wow,” said Cook.