73rd annual United Nations day brings big speakers to Pleasant Hill
Mark Desaulnier headlined the group of speakers for United Nations Day at Diablo Valley College (Luis Lopez/The Inquirer)
October 30, 2018
The 73rd anniversary of International United Nations day was on Weds. Oct. 24, and to commemorate it, Dr. Amer Araim and the Diablo Valley College Model UN club held a special meeting featuring guests such as Terrence Clark of Contra Costa County’s Interfaith Council and California Congressman Mark Desaulnier.
The series of speakers drew in a fair amount of students, with all speakers citing how important the role of model UN clubs are in schools.
Dr. Araim, who formerly worked for the United Nations, drew from his own experiences working with the organization and why its important in today’s climate.
“Every individual’s opinion counts” said Dr. Araim. “Every individual on Earth is my concern.”
The meetings other speakers shared similar sentiments, citing how important it is to be involved in organizations such as model UN clubs.
“We certainly have an obligation to be involved” said Clark.
Desaulnier also felt that students and citizens alike have a duty to be involved in diplomacy and their government in some way, saying, “we have to be engaged, politically and policy wise,” said Desaulnier.
One of the goals for the model UN club is to teach students how to solve issues using conversation and diplomacy rather than attacking each other.
“We are all human beings, we should all be respected,” said Desaulnier.”It’s really important to come together in our community, in a facility like this. There are people in power who want to split people apart, and model UN is about bringing people together.”
Desaulnier also explained why he felt California was a good example of how bringing people together is a successful formula, saying “the reason California is doing so well is because we’ve accepted diversity.”
The model UN club will resume its normal meetings next Tuesday at 5:30 p.m in MA-101.