Racist graffiti found before semester begins
Graffiti was found again on Thursday, August 22, on the Pleasant Hill Campus. (The Inquirer file photo).
August 23, 2019
Just as the fall semester is about to begin, more racist graffiti was found on the Diablo Valley College campus. The graffiti was discovered Thursday, August 22, and an email from President Susan Lamb informing about the incident was sent out the same day.
“Unfortunately, last spring, we endured a series of hateful acts by a cowardly individual who wrote racist messages … Today, I am angry and frustrated to learn of another such incident before the term has even started,” Lamb wrote in said email.
The racist graffiti has been already removed, and its exact message was not included in the email, as not to “amplify the hateful words of a cowardly individual,” according to Lamb.
However, Lamb also wrote that anyone who would like to see a photo of the graffiti would be able to do so “in the office of [the students’] area dean.”
The hateful message read, “No n****** allowed at DVC. Whites only.” The graphic also included a swastika and reference to the Ku Klux Klan.
Police Services has opened an investigation immediately. However, there are no suspects at the moment, according to Lt Ryan Huddleston.
“We don’t have any suspects right now, nobody saw anything, nobody heard anything,” he said.
Footage from the cameras was reviewed, but it didn’t help Police Services identify anyone who could be the potential suspect.
“There are cameras in the building, but none is pointing to the door,” said Huddleston. Also, because of privacy issues, understandably, there can’t be cameras directly in the bathrooms, he said.
However, Huddleston also noted that the district and the school are currently working on better security camera coverage.
“There are cameras that are being added to the college,” Huddleston said.
He also added that cameras will help assist Police Services not only in future investigations but to keep the campus safe as well, according to his words. Huddleston also reassured students that there is no immediate threat on the campus.
“DVC is a safe environment. It’s a safe campus,” he said, and added that not only DVC, but the district, too, “pride itself on being a safe community.”
He also encourages everyone to come and report any suspicious and/or criminal activity, asking students to come to let them know about any incidents.
“We will follow up on [every case],” he said.
After the events of last semester, DVC administration extended its support for students of color and created a task force to collect, assess and forward information and concerns. DVC has also proposed several plans to tackle racism on campus.
The Inquirer tried to reach Lamb for comment on the most recent case of racist graffiti, however, her administrative assistant Julie Catalano stated that because the semester has not started, getting in contact Lamb in the remaining days of summer vacations was unlikely as The Inquirer’s production classes are not in session.