Diablo Valley College needs to have a designated section in the Cafeteria labeled ‘vegan’.
I am a vegan who eats gluten free as well, however, if I am hungry on campus and want to grab a quick snack, I have to search and read all the fine print on labels.
Annie Massa from USA Today College on July 13, 2012 states, “…students encounter all kind of obstacles to balanced eating.
Poor variety of fruits and veggies, the high cost of fresh food in comparison to processed snacks and limited access to nutritional information in cafeterias can all stand in the way of eating well at school.”
The process of making a change would be as easy as ordering healthier alternatives, moving some candy bars, and labeling a bookcase “Vegan/Gluten Free Friendly.”
A poll taken in a diverse journalism classroom on campus resulted in more than half the students would ap preciate this miniscule change.
– Kendall Gaumann,
DVC student