Editorial: Social media detox is necessary for student well-being
Social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, allow users to check multiple times and see what friends are doing.
February 22, 2017
Social media is something that we all are familiar with, as recent reports note that 98 percent of college students use it. Admit it, you check Facebook and Instagram when you’re supposed to be studying. You also check it when you wait for class to start, when you eat lunch, or before you fall asleep.
It may seem harmless, but prolonged exposure to social media can seriously affect teen’s and young adults’ self esteem and image, along with a serious decrease in communication skills.
“‘Facebook depression’ is a new term that refers to depression that develops as a result of children and teens spending a lot of time on social media sites and begin to experience depression as a result. When teens compare themselves to photos of others and the illusion of others’ better lives, they can experience decreased self-esteem and depression,” says the New York Behavioral Health blog.
People should realize that these others also may have the same issue, and that not everything shared on social media, whether it’s news or photos at a party, is completely true.
Even if social media seems like a great way to connect with faraway people and share your lives and ideas on a public platform, there’s something less social about it all.
You may notice how less people engage with each other and choose to spend time browsing on their phones. According to USA Today College, studies show that “even when there is an opportunity to see people face-to-face, on weekends for example, up to 11 percent of adults still prefer to stay at home and communicate on their devices instead.”
When you are face-to-face with people, make sure to be present with them and not on your devices.
There are apps that are helpful to cutting down on social media usage, such as Checky, which logs how many times you check your phone. The numbers can be eye-opening for some people and can teach them how to rely on their phones less.
In the end, social media can be important in documenting life experiences but should not take over your life. Find ways to detox, such as uninstalling the apps or leaving your phone in another room to get work done. It may take some time to find yourself less addicted to scrolling through Twitter endlessly, but you will suddenly have free time to devote to school, work, hobbies, and others.
~ Spring 2017 Editorial Board