Letter to the editor
October 20, 2016
Fernando Sandoval is seeking to oust incumbent Contra Costa Community College Board Trustee Greg Enholm to make the Brentwood Center a reality for the future of our youth. The existing Brentwood Center costs $68,000 a month and its location is not suitable as it sits in a high-density retail establishment.
The new center is planned to be completed and open approximately Sep. 2020 to support student needs in a 17 acre environment in the Trilogy/Marsh Creek Road Location. I support the Governing Board’s decision to go ahead with the center as part of a phased plan for enrollment, with the first phase planned to support forecasted enrollment with a future phase to increase capacity as enrollment increases.
The initial facilities will provide what is required for the existing student population and is not expected to reach capacity for many years, at which point the second phase of the project will be reviewed for additional construction. This is a SMART approach as it ensures that the costs are aligned with the needs of students when it opens and for future students.
Mr. Enholm’s positions have resulted in numerous delays. Delays also impact the jobs of workers who would contribute to its construction.
Delaying the construction of the center would not serve the needs of the district or its students and would ultimately result in higher costs with no benefits to the district, its students or its taxpayers.